The mystics of old felt that the Sacred Gong was the incarnated embodiment of a high creative intelligence. In human form this would be called a Teacher of Truth. Gongs were also considered like cosmic engines, delivering "universal life force" to people.
According to sound researcher, teacher and therapist, Gongmaster Don Conreaux, the Gong has been used as a spiritual quickener. On a physical level it was used to regenerate the life force of an aging body. The seeker experiences a multi-level influence by the rolling waves of gongtones. Conreaux calls these sound waves "feeling ones" because they are kinesthetic, tactile, and sensed by the physical body. The receiver of gongtones registers the vibrations through the skin, muscles, bones and fluids of the organs and cells.
When receiving the gong sound in person and not through a device the sound vibrations enter into the etheric field and then into the cell membrane to assist in clearing debris and mutations, thus allowing for cellular transformation and regeneration and upgrading to the new operating system of our evolutionary process.
Try a soundbath, and whether or not you feel it or believe it, your bodys innate intelligence will. Amazing isn't it...
READ MORE... http://www.holistic-resonance.com/musictoevolve.html